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iOS 14.5 Beta 1 Re-Release/New features & Explain How you get iOS 14.5

iOS 14.5

Features in iOS 14.5

New Features in iOS 14.5

Unlock iPhone with your Apple Watch

App Tracking Transparency

Air Play 2 support for Fitness+

Updated Game controller support

5G Global Dual-sim support

Podcast And News app design tweaks

Call Emergency With use SIRI

In iPad: Horizontal boot and emoji search

Sorting and printing Reminders

Hints of new Wallet or Apple Card features

About the iOS 14.5 Beta 1

I am going to tell you about the iOS 14.5 Beta 1 Re-Release MoreNew features & Explain How you get iOS 14.5. In this Blog Which I have tested myself. And very searched my-self before. Now I will tell about this iOS 14.5 Beta 1 Re-Release MoreNew features & Explain How you get iOS 14.5. Please read this Blog completely. So let's see you.

Apple released iOS 14.5 beta one again. It's iOS 14.5 beta one re-release since. They didn't release beta two. And it was as small as 80 megabytes on the iPhone six S plus. So they didn't release anything else as far as re-releasing them. And I suspect this is why. We haven't seen the public beta. So far.

Many people have been asking. Where is public beta one? And they didn't release it. Hopefully they'll release it. As soon as today. We don't know Apple hasn't said. But that's probably. Why we haven't seen. It since they re-release this. And found some bugs. So there are some fixes in this one. Now the first thing is the build number. So we'll take a look at that. We'll go to settings general than about. And as you can see. The build number is 18 E five one four zero K. It's just a letter. So off from the previous one. And it's a slight update for performance. And bug fixes.

There are some bug fixes in this. Now the first thing there is not as a modem update. So if you had iOS 14.5 beta one before. There's no update. At least on iPhone12 pro max going from beta one to iOS 14.5 beta one re-release. There's no difference there. Now, as far as new features. There are a bunch of features. Now the next thing has to do with cellular. If you're on T-Mobile specifically. So Apple did enable 5g dual SIM support. But If you're on T-Mobile. You get an extra setting.

So if you go into settings. And then we go to cellular under cellular data options. Then You can see. You have voice. And data 5g auto. But if you have T-Mobile. You'll have 5g standalone. It says 5g standalone uses 5g for all cellular activity, including cellular network connections. And since. You turn it on. It says connection, quality. Coverage for voice. And data may be less reliable. When using 5g standalone.

That's because 5g is still rolling out all over the place. So if you turn it on. It will work. I prefer to have it on auto. Since if it's not a strong signal. It will drop back to 4g, LTE. But it's something.They've updated in this one.

Now, another thing. So They've updated has to do with notifications. They've given more options. So if we go into settings notifications, scroll all the way to the. At the bottom. You have three options for Amber alerts, emergency alerts. And public safety alerts. You also have the option for emergency alerts. And always deliver in the settings.

So they've added the additional setting where you have emergency alerts. And always deliver. So those that's something. New that I think is nice. That is definitely helpful. If you want those on. There's some updates as well. And so if we go into music and then we go to library. Then tap on edit. There's a new made for you option.

Now You have this turned on. And If this not showing up for Your Phone. But It should show up here under library. And say made for you right now. It's not showing. But it's a new option that should have some suggestions or curated songs. So hopefully we'll see that in the future. And it's something. They've updated now. Also, they give you the exact album release date as well. So they give that to you in detail. So if you go to search, find an album, go into the album. And scroll to the bottom. You can see the exact day it was released.

This one was October 26, 2018. It says five songs, 21 minutes and who released it?

So that's some new options as well. Also, they've updated. This again for the lock screen. So if You play a song. Now You have a song playing. And if you go home and then go to the lock screen. You'll see in just a moment. It will start to scroll the album name. And the song name again. So that's something. We haven't had for iOS 14. They've brought it back. So they've brought that back. That scroll is, is really nice to see. Sometimes it was annoying when you couldn't see it.

Now, the next thing has to do with news. So if I go into the news app. You can see at the bottom. There's a new search button. So we have search here. And you've got different channel topics and things. And then under news, plus the menu at the top is a little bit different. There's a new for you section for example. And so they've updated this as well, depending on if you have news plus what you're reading. And things like that. So that's been updated as well.

Now, as far as maps. They've changed something as well. So let's go into maps. Now within maps. They've updated this as well. So if we scroll down under the search bar. If You have editors picks for different collections. If you go over to iOS 14.4. Then You can see. It's not there. So there's nothing here. And it's just a new little update there. Then also, if you have directions. They've changed the way. It looks a little bit. If you were to hit end.

How do you get iOS 14.5

So on the left with iOS 14.4. You just hit end. But on the right with iOS 14.5 beta one. You have to tap on the arrow then. And then. You'll be brought back to the main screen. And so they've updated that a little bit as well. Now in maps.

They've updated the guides as well. But if you go into a guide, say in the city of Charleston, slide up, tap on the guide. And then slide the guide up. You can see the visual is really nice now. So they've made that change, added more information about different locations. They continue to update this with more info. And just make it look a little bit better.

Now, If you go home. They've made a change in the clock app. So if we go into clock. Then you use the sleep slash wake up settings, go to change. You now have the option to edit, sleep schedule in health. So if we tap on this. It brings us over to health. So you can see the schedule there. If you have the option to edit it right from the clock or clock alarm part of the app.

Now, the next thing is they've updated the icons for Bluetooth, for different things, such as beets. So if You go into Twitter. And Your friend. XXXX found this and you can see the different icons. So If You scroll in. You can see. There's different ones for beats headphones and air pods, AirPods pro. Those have been updated as well.

Unlock your iPhone with your Apple watch

Face ID detects a mask

Your apple watch should be close

Your Apple Watch is on your wrist

Your Apple Watch will be unlocked

Your Apple Watch has a passcode enabled

When you're using your phone. And you're wearing a mask, how you can more easily unlock. It using face ID. And an Apple watch together. So it sort of does a double authentication. But there's also sort of a reverse feature. They've added. So if you have your Apple watch on your wrist. You remove it. And then it goes into a lock because it knows. It's been removed. You'll see. It's back on your wrist. It's going to ask for the passcode. If you go to your phone, lock it, unlock it. It will unlock your Apple watch. If you bring it up. It should unlock it. And it lets me know. Your name Apple watch unlocked.

So it lets me know. That it's unlocked my Apple watch since I have that setting active. And so in the watch app. You have to have that activated under passcode. And unlock with iPhone. As long as that's activated. You have watch OS 7.4 beta installed. That should work now, also in the watch app. If you go to the face gallery. And then you scroll down.

There's some new updates to the Explorer watch faces. So these have been updated a little bit as well. So explore, there's a few new ones in there. Also Hermes. If you have an Hermes watch face or an Hermes watch. You'll have those options. And there's some changes to those as well.

Now there's some updates. That you can't physically see that have been mentioned in the code, such as new wallpaper. For example, I know a lot of people like that so far. There's nothing new if you go into the wallpaper. But there's mentions of it in the code. So for example. If You go to stills. There's nothing new yet. But there should be hopefully in the future at some point. So hopefully You'll see some updated wallpaper, maybe for a different phone, maybe an iPhone se three or something like that. But there's at least mentions of it in the code for wallpaper.

Now also there's some additional mentions for things Siri can do maybe in the future. Such as modify contact entries. As well as tell you about traffic conditions when you're in the car and also possible Siri commands. That could be implemented in the future for things like that. So hopefully. You'll see some of those. There's also some new sounds for locating beats in the find your app. They've also made. It easier to set up an iPad with cellular connections. So those are something. That you may be able to do.

Now, there are some other things. As far as the mentions of you, one chip pairing for cars. So maybe we'll be able to use the Yuan chip. To pair with a car key with Apple car key in the future. And a bunch of small changes in the background for things like edutainment plugins. For example. Now there's some bugs in this particular version as well. The first one has to do with mag safe. If you have a MagSafe adapter. You turn the screen off, plug it in you no longer get the animation with the little ring that comes around. So where you might've had that before. That doesn't show up anymore.

So for example, if you bring over iOS 14.4. Put that on the back with MagSafe. You'll see that animation. That does not show up at seams and iOS 14.5 beta one. So You've tried quite a few times. It just won't show for you. Also the green tint issue is still there.

Now. Also some apps are still not working such as the PlayStation app. I can't get it to open it just crashes every time. However, Apple has fixed the ability for Microsoft apps to work. So if you're using teams, for example. That should launch. Now, that's been confirmed by multiple people online. And it seems like the Microsoft apps are functioning again.

Battery Performance

Now, as far as battery life. I know a lot of people are wondering how was iOS 14.5. And it's early beta. So If You've been running it on Your 12 pro max. If there's battery health at a hundred percent on your 12 pro max. And yesterday. You'll go two days ago, If you had three hours. And 21 minutes of screen on time, four hours and 10 minutes of screen off time. And used about 30% of your battery. So if Your're timings, timesing that by three.

You getting the nine or 10 hours of screen on time. And if you have an 11 pro max. You may get up to 12, like you would expect. It depends on day to day. You'll see yesterday. It was only two hours and 14 minutes. Now with the iPad. If Your iPad pro battery life has been about what you would expect with iOS 14.5 beta one. It's been pretty good. It's what I would expect anyway. So this seems to be an improvement also in standby as well. There's nothing new on the iPad other. So nothing new there as far as performance.

So performance has been good, except one thing that stutter or lag has returned when you close an app. If you swipe out of an app. And swipe up. That was a problem in the first beta. It took a few days to show up. And now with this beta. It's gone. But again. It could show up in a few days where you close it and it sort of stutters. When you close it like that. And then it finally closes. You saw that with multiple apps.

And hopefully. It doesn't return. But I'll continue reporting it in the feedback app. And make sure you do as well or feedbacks over here rather that's podcasts. So report it in feedback and make sure you do as well. Now, as far as the benchmarks, let's go ahead and take a look at those. So if your numbers are anywhere in these sort of same vicinity running geek, bench five. Then you should be good to go. And generally these will improve a little bit as time goes on and all of the background processes have completed. And so as far as , hould you install iOS 14.5 beta one rerelease.

Well, if you haven't installed. It already. And you're already on the first beta, absolutely. You've probably already installed it. So if you're on iOS 14.4. And you want to try out say the face ID unlock using the Apple watch on watchOS 7.4 beta one. And you know how to revert back with the iPhone, using a Mac or windows with iTunes or the finder. Then that's fine.


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